First Year Review At the end of their first year, students give a presentation providing an overview of the work they have produced to date in the program in 3D computer animation, interactive media, and/or digital performance. The student must demonstrate a moderate- to-high level of technical proficiency and growing aesthetic sophistication in at least one of these three areas. On the basic of this presentation, the faculty provides feedback to the student and determines whether the student’s progress is satisfactory, and also discusses goals for the coming year and possible directions for the thesis project. Comprehensive Examination Before the end of the student’s first year, the student and major professor identify three topic areas relevant to the student’s objectives in the program; the topics may be technical, aesthetic, theoretical or historical in nature. The major professor,in consultation with the examining committee, prepares a four-hour written examination on those topics, which student takes during hisor her third semester, typically during the second week of classes. The student’s examining committee provides written evaluations within one week. Students who fail one or more questions are given one opportunity to answer a new question on the same topic by the end of the following semester. Thesis Production Students must successfully complete a creative project approved by their major professor. Such project may involve the creation of a short 3D animation, film, or interactive media project, or work as writer, director, content creator and/or media director on a work of live theatre or performance incorporating digital media or interactive technologies. The student must submit a written thesis analyzing and evaluating the creative project, and must defend the project and thesis in an oral examination with their thesis committee. Deadlines for Graduating Students For deadlines: Visit the graduate school website Note: MFA students do not submit candidacy or advisory committee forms or an electronic thesis/dissertation. They do apply to graduate and submit a program of study (non-doctoral professional degree. They should plan to defend their thesis before the final defense date, submitting thesis title and advisory committee information to Dina two weeks before their scheduled defense.