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Cast List: 9 to 5 & Experience UGA


Cast lists are linked below. You MUST email within the next 48 to 72 hours to CONFIRM your role. Your email should go the productions director and copy Chelsea Taylor,

A HUGE thank you to Cece Cullen, Lucy Gibson, Jordan Harris, Fallon Elliot Smith, and Baylen Whorton for their assistance in helping keep auditions and callbacks organized!

Directors Note for 9 to 5

Director: George Contini                      Email: 

WOW.  This was truly one of the most difficult rounds of casting I’ve ever taken part in. Everyone who was called back presented themselves SO well. Thank you for sharing your talents and time! Your work got me super excited to start on the show! Plus it made me see the extraordinary amount of talent we have here at UGA and helps me guide our season selection committee! As you will see we ended up casting 6 more people than we originally planned for! If you were not cast I hope we may work together on other projects down the line.

If you are interested in being my Assistant Director please email me asap.  I’d prefer someone who has had Directing class but will consider others.  The AD will be responsible for rehearsing and prepping all understudies, plus working on lobby displays and special events with our dramaturg, and covering rehearsals if I’m not available.

Those cast are required to attend the Intimacy/Consent Workshop this Tuesday 27th from 6.30-8 pm.

Our first rehearsal is Tuesday Sept. 17th at 6.30 in Room 115.

Chelsea will be getting in touch regarding scripts and scores.

The Costume Shop may be reaching out to you for getting measurements taken.  Please start checking in with your email EVERYDAY. It is the primary way production will be in touch with you.

Any questions please reach out to me,


Directors Note for Experience UGA

Director: Abby McWethy                     Email: 

Program Director: Dina Canup            Email: 

Thank you to everyone who attended callbacks and gave such amazing performances, we hope to
see you again at future auditions! If you were not cast, but would still like to be a part of
Experience UGA, we are still looking for an Assistant Director and an Assistant Stage Manager,
please email Abby McWethy at if you are interested!

The first rehearsal for Experience UGA will be on Monday, October 14th. 



Links to Cast Lists

9 to 5 Cast List

Experience UGA Cast List



Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor, Performance Area Head, Director of London Study Abroad, Affiliate Faculty, Institute for Women's Studies, Faculty, MFA in Film
Academic Advisor II, Student Support and Outreach Coordinator

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